Hi i'm Keith. This is my very first blog. You know what they say...the first blog is usually always the best! I actually just kind of just made that up. A little bit about myself... I was born and raised in Mississippi. I left there after high school graduation about 15 years ago now (wow time flies), and enrolled into Grambling State University (#GRAMFAM for life). I juggled a couple of years trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do, and after some time I ended up with Bachelors of Science focused in Electronics Engineering. After living in Louisiana for about 7 years I moved to the great state of Texas. After working in the telecom industry for a couple of years I transitioned into "my dream job" of working in the Oil/Gas Industry. I learned alot while working in the Oil/Gas Industry as I traveled and worked all over the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. After working in this volatile but high compensating industry, I decided it was time for a change. Life was starting to settle for me, so I needed a career that required more home time. After deciding this, I gave up the Texas Oil Fields and decided to pursue my education further more. I enrolled at Texas State University where obtained a Masters of Science in Technology Management. While working on a 18-month contract, i graduated and became unemployed simultaneously. Facing an up and coming WEDDING, and being jobless, and I reached out to one of my old employers and I went back to work in the oil fields for about 9-10 months. At the end of that time I was recruited by a giant tech company in Northern California. After accepting the offer, off to the "land of dreams" I went. Quickly learning...THAT THIS IS THE LAND OF THE HUSTLE.....IT'S EXPENSIVE!
So this is how this idea was born! This is where I am now, hustling my way to my entrepreneurial beginnings.